Hello and welcome to our office. I truly hope you feel as at home here as I do because I want to be of service to you, and I want to do that in a way that demonstrates not only my clinical competency, but my sincerity, integrity and dependability. I don’t just want to be your dentist today; I want to be your dentist through the years.
It means so much to me to have a patient tell me how much faith and trust they have in me. I want to earn your trust, and to do so by being as caring and humble as I am proficient in the field of dentistry. So, my promise to you is to treat you exactly how I would like to be treated while sitting in that chair. I will listen to your concerns, speak in language you will understand and be here for you as time goes by.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Sam
It means so much to me to have a patient tell me how much faith and trust they have in me. I want to earn your trust, and to do so by being as caring and humble as I am proficient in the field of dentistry. So, my promise to you is to treat you exactly how I would like to be treated while sitting in that chair. I will listen to your concerns, speak in language you will understand and be here for you as time goes by.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Sam